I have kind of neglected this blog of mine for the last 6 months as most of you know if you have followed it, we left Kinshasa in July. We had planned to come on holiday for a month as living in Africa can really take it out of you at times. Specially when you are living in a very small closed community and with my better half working with a large group of consultants (55 of them). It really had its fair share of ups and downs...I guess I could say more than that but there is no point, we have thoroughly enjoyed our last 6 months back here in Canada.
We quickly started putting our house back in order, it had been on the market but we where now so happy that the two offers we had on the house fell through. We now had something familiar to come back to .....
It was now time to collect all our furniture that had been stored with family and turn this house back into a home.
One of the first things V did was to dismantle our above ground pool,planning ahead for the time when we have another assignment to go to, we did not want to leave that responsibility behind once again....I jumped into the gardening,mowing the lawn and just enjoying what was not one of the best Canadian summers.
Once that was done we started to look around for other projects, so we bought a little "forest" about a half an hours drive from Ottawa. It is beautiful very close to a lake "Lac George" we have access to it so did some boating and fishing there.
This year has started off with such good news for us, we are going to become grandparents , yes our daughter Dorianne and son Seb are expecting there first baby. We really are so happy and it has been great to spend time together.
I know that sometime soon we will be off onto another project that is the way our life is,I have a feeling it could be Africa again.....but will keep you updated on this outcome.
So from me and my family to you and yours the very Best Of Health and Happiness for 2010............
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It wie in nacht fan kjeld en tsjuster, en de wyn dy't oer de lege
strjitten gappet, brocht in ûnmûnich gefoel mei him mei. Guont minsken
sieten yn har h...
1 week ago
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