This month,I received a note on my blog from a lady who is living in Goma, which is in the Eastern Congo.She asked me to link to her blog which I have done and I have started following... The pictures and stories she tells are of the real DRC and the woman living there...
I am sure many of you will find her blog is titled "From Congo"
I do hope that some of you that follow my blog now and again will take a look at the wonderful organisation she is managing and even try to support this very worthy cause "SHONA" . They are a small group of handicapped woman doing sewing in the Congo please read more about them and look at the beautiful items they have made that you can order on line..
I have been really touched by the story's she tells.
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1 week ago
Thank you encouraging your readers to visit my blog and SHONA's website. Truly we have gotten as far as we have by word of mouth, and your words have already sent a number more visitors our way. Thank you for your generosity!
Also thank you for the encouragement for our small project. Just when I start to feel a bit alone out here in the East of Congo, I am always amazed by the generosity and concern of people around the world who take the time seek us out, and follow our progress.
I haven't made it to Kinshasa yet, but I feel like I have through your excellent blog. It is amazing how many different worlds exist withing Congo! Thank you for sharing your world with us, and for introducing people to mine. I will continue to follow your blog as well.
All the best to you.
Thanks so much for the story's you tell, they need to be heard.... I am happy that more will hear about your work ..Take care ..
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