Bonobos, or pygmy chimpanzees (Pan paniscus), are the last of the great apes to have been
discovered, but they could well be the first to disappear.
A species unique to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), bonobos face the threat of extinction due to war, hunting, and deforestation.
A species unique to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), bonobos face the threat of extinction due to war, hunting, and deforestation.
Lola ya Bonobo is the bonobo sanctuary run by The Friends of Bonobos in the DRC (Les Amis des Bonobos du Congo or A.B.C.). Lola ya Bonobo is a unique project to protect bonobos through education of Congolese youth and lobbying for the enforcement of wildlife laws, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
When I arrived at the nursery where the Congolese "mama's" look after the orphan bonobo's I knew that for me I had stumbled onto something so special.....love at first sight for me!!!!:)

The youngest bonobos remain in the care of substitute mothers (sanctuary staff) until they are fully rehabilitated and acclimated to their new environment.
The new site of "Lola ya Bonobo," where the sanctuary was moved in February 2002, provides the juvenile and adult bonobos with over 20 acres of enclosed forest where they can develop into a social group with minimal human interference. It provides an ideal environment for educational programs for school children, as well as for ethological observations.
The new site of "Lola ya Bonobo," where the sanctuary was moved in February 2002, provides the juvenile and adult bonobos with over 20 acres of enclosed forest where they can develop into a social group with minimal human interference. It provides an ideal environment for educational programs for school children, as well as for ethological observations.
http://www.ippl.org/2002-congo-sanctuary.php ( the site where I found some of my information) you might want to go there and read more and maybe offer some support for this organisation.

http://www.friendsofbonobos.org/ I am sure this organisation will appreciate any sponsorship that you can give them.... .......save a "Bonobo" ;)
Your blog is so informative and interesting, keep up the good work! We all just love those apes!
me gusta mucho tu blog lo visito a diario visita tu el mio y si t gusta deja un comentario y nos enlazamos los blogs
Raul....... Muchas gracias por su comentario y sí iré y le miraré blog....
Estoy de vuelta ahora en Congo después de vacaciones de dos semanas en Canadá y comenzaré a escribir en mi blog otra vez ... tienen cuidado.....edithlivinginafrica
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