I guess its time I answer this question once and for all.....If you have read the beginning of my blog you know that Vianney and I met 7 yrs ago, I knew that my life would be full of new adventures and experiences,........exactly what I was looking for after meeting the man I had been searching, for a life time... ( I know it sounds kind of sugary but true)
So I packed up my suitcases and decide to follow him where ever he went...In my opinion if you are in a relationship especially at my age you do not make decisions like this lightly. I still feel that I made choice for myself...leaving one continent for another....but part of life is finding the right person to be with and to enjoy life together by giving encouragement and support .
I feel that long distance relationships do not work for everyone....guess that puts me into that category....life is too short if you love someone to be sitting at different ends of the world waiting.. is just not my bag I would be very lonely ......if that was the case I would not be where I am here in DRC ...I travel to be with Vianney..so that is the first reason I am with him...You want to know how I fill my time exactly, the same way many woman do, I support my man in every way I can , take care of the two of us with doing the cooking , laundry ,entertaining,just generally been a good better half. For myself I am still doing my French Lessons on the computer, writing this blog, meeting friends for coffee doing some walking .....and when I look again the day has just passed by so quickly and it is time to start all over again.......... its called a life!
So I am sure for some it mind seem kind of boring.....I can definitely vouch for the fact that if woman had to be paid for what we do......we would definitely be far too expensive because as a woman and a mom.....I find that we are always compensating doing without to make it easier for those we love.......
So I hope this answers this question..........NO I AM NOT BORED...................I am happy!!! I speak this softly.....:)
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strjitten gappet, brocht in ûnmûnich gefoel mei him mei. Guont minsken
sieten yn har h...
1 week ago
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