I am still in Canada and not traveling for the moment, I hope to start again in the New Year....My better half is at present in Mongolia one the countries I would love to visit ...Guess I would then have to change the name of my blog to something else...like "edith living around the world"...For the past 10 years it has felt a bit that way....I am still hoping to return to Africa again, I guess with the type of work Vianney has anything is possible..
Since I last wrote on my blog we have become "grandparents" what a wonderful experience....to a beautiful little baby girl named Savannah. its wonderful to watch your children become parents. In the meantime I have been helping with the new little addition but I can see that the little family after 5 weeks is starting to manage well.
So now its time to pay some attention to all the leaves that have fallen and prepare for a Canadian Winter.....
January 2011
So some time has passed we are now into 2011........as you can see our little grand daughter has grown and is bringing us much joy.
It looks as if I will be blogging again from AFRICA......so watch this space ..!!!!!