Vianney and I lived in Mauritius for almost two years in between that we travelled to the Far East , Philippines, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. The list has grown quickly to include living in Montenegro for almost a year and then the Caribbeans where Vianney did some contracts and I got to visit Antigua island.
Our next assignment , is to be in Democratic Republic of Congo, I have had mixed feelings about going. It all started with the different vaccine's we had to have before leaving. The tablets we are going to have to take to protect us from malaria and just general uncertainties. Nothing on the Internet describing the country has been that positive, apart from one blog that a South African has been writing named "life as in Kin". I want to thank her for her positive outlook as she has made me feel at ease about this "big move".
We have 3 more days one more vaccine for Vianney then we will be on our way, by Saturday morning we will be in our new location and country will keep you posted.
The hardest part about starting a new project is leaving my daughter, son-in-law , family and friends behind here in Canada.....we should be home for a "White Christmas" so I will have something to look forward to...